New Members Installed
Comrade Joyce Catcher has been a busy and dedicated member of the Legion community for more than 26 years. She has filled the role of Branch 233's Secretary/Treasurer for decades. She has also served on the branch Ladies' Auxiliary Executive Committee and the Zine E-3 Auxiliary Commander.
Comrade Max Felice (centre) is the first recipient of the Rose Elsdon Poppy Campaign Award. This is a new award, created in memory of the late Rose Elsdon, a highly popular and dedicated member of the Branch 233 community for decades. Her ardent support for veterans and the Poppy Campaign is literally legendary on Orangeville.
Two comrades, Jeff Patterson (left) and Barry Kimber are co-recipients of the John Turner President's Award for Excellence. A relatively recent addition to the Legion community, Jeff has dived right in to serve on Branch Executive, poppy volunteer and Special Projects Chair. Barry has been almost a fixture at 233, holding many Executive Committee offices, Branch Service Officer and others.
Virtually defining the term "go-getter", Comrade Brenda Farnan is the recipient of the Ken Maxwell Go Getter Award, recognizing exceptional achievement in dedication, discipline and team spirit. She also received her Past Officer's Medal with Executive Committee and Ways and Means bars.
Comrade Jeremy Asselbergs (left) received his Past Officer's Medal with Executive and Sergeant-at-Arms bars. Currently the branch's Entertainment Chair, Jeremy is also back-up Sergeant-at-Arms.
Comrade Sue Simpson received her Past Officer's Medal with 3rd Vice President and Seniors bars. Currently, 2nd Vice President of the branch, Sue also serves as President of the Ladies Auxiliary. With over 21 years Canadian Forces service, she is at present the only veteran serving in the LA.
Cathy Clark - 35 years
Ray Drisdell - 30 years
We are always glad to welcome Dufferin County Paramedic Service Chief Tom Reid to our gatherings. We were especially pleased to hear his words on this special evening. Thank you, Chief.
On Sunday, May 7, 2023, the Tweedsmuir Memorial Presbyterian Church observed its 186th anniversary. For us here at the Orangeville Legion, it was an even more special day. The special guest speaker had extended a personal invitation to the members of Branch 233 to join him at this event. That special guest speaker was none other than Reverend Harvey Self. Harvey is a veteran and was a long time member of our branch as well as being our branch padre. Reverend Self was also the pastor for Tweedsmuir Memorial Presbyterian Church for quite some time. After the morning service, the church held a pancake luncheon which we thoroughly enjoyed. This gave us all the opportunity to visit with Reverend Self and get reacquainted.
It sure was great to see Harvey again.
After attending the 186th anniversary celebration/church service at the Tweedsmuir Presbyterian church, our President, Comrade Barry Kimber had the great pleasure of presenting Comrade Greig Laing (Branch piper) with his Branch Service Medal. Congratulations go out to Greig on receiving this medal and as well the thanks for the many years of support he has provided to our branch. (P.S. Greig is the taller one).
Royal Canadian Legion, "Col. Fitzgerald" Branch
7 John Street, PO Box 141, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z5 Canada
Copyright © 2023, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 233. All Rights Reserved.