Introducing the incoming Ladies' Auxiliary Executive Committee, installed at the LA's May 15th meeting.
From left: committee members Valerie McGrady and Pam Arnold; President Sue Simpson; Secretary/Treasurer Carol Hatton; Past President Joyce Catcher.
CATHY PARKER (left) received her 25-year pin.
VALERIE McGRADY received her 5-year pin.
Members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary support the aims and objectives of The Royal Canadian Legion and their dedicated service enriches the programs and activities of the Branch.
During the 1914-1918 war years. as wounded veterans returned home, women were asked to help with their recovery by visiting hospitals, sending parcels to the hospitalized and to needy families. From these dedicated bands of women, the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary was established.
Today, the Ladies’ Auxiliary is a vital and integral part of the work of the Legion. As major contributors to the day-to-day life of Legion Branches, Ladies’ Auxiliaries provide financial and volunteer support to Legion programs.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary (LA) is a non-profit organization operated separately from the Royal Canadian Legion, but together they thrive and serve our community.. Through our many fund raising activities, we assist the local Legion Branch, health facilities and programs, school activities, and bursaries.
Any woman who is eligible for membership in the Legion may choose to become a member of the Ladies Auxiliary only or both organizations. The Ontario Command has 292 Auxiliaries with 13,731 members.
We meet on the third Monday of every month at 1:00 p.m. at the Legion on John Street and you are welcome to join us. Our next meeting is Monday, April 15th at the Legion. We hope to see you then!
Royal Canadian Legion, "Col. Fitzgerald" Branch
7 John Street, PO Box 141, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z5 Canada